"I have known the music of Danna & Clément for some time and am very impressed with it. We need a music to provide alternatives to the harsh and vulgar realities of modern living. We need a quiet music, a spiritual music, a music that bonds us to the world of nature and of the soul. The music of Danna & Clément speaks of these things and it speaks persuasively.
I recommend this young team of artists to anyone who senses this requirement as an alternative to modern life. It is healthy,
it is therapeutic, it is honest". ~ R. Murray Schafer, St. Galla, Switzerland, November 20,1984

"Clément hits number one spot on over 100 public radio ​stations in the USA" ​
~ FACTOR Sound Support Magazine​
"You don't listen to WATERSTATION, you become immersed in it". ~ John Diliberto - Echoes
"It's like diving into a transcultural well...the talented Canadian has orchestrated an exotic, fluid aural landscape that seems to move from African percussives to minimalistic spaciness with seamless ease...rated as one of the top 100 CD's of all time". ~ CD Review Magazine​

"A masterpiece of reflective and wistful music. I cannot recommend it highly enough" ~ Bill Binkelman - Wind & Wire
Danna and Clément weave "live" trail environmental
atmospherics, piano, synths, steel guitar, bass, bassoon,
and even accordion into twelve tenderly beautiful, awesomely austere, and uniquely unforgettable pieces.​​​​​​​​​​​ This release is splendid"." ~ John W. Patterson, Earmusic.com
"Life changing, heartbreaking, haunting, timeless music. Anyone who loves contemplative music will treasure this album. One of the greatest albums of "new serious music".
~ Daniel R. Greenfield - Vine Voice

"Both wonderful composers in their own right, are one of the greatest duos that the ambient/space music style has ever had the pleasure of hearing". ~ Matt Borghi, Allmusic
"I hold this release to nearly an exact mirror of things
Nature speaks to the soul. That same "oneness" and
"silent grandeur" comes through in this release".
​​~ John W. Patterson, eermusic.com
"To call this an essential recording and a must have for any ambient music lover is a severe understatement. Their three releases in the 1980s (A Gradual Awakening, Summerland, and Another Sun) almost single-handedly defined a new field of music". ~ Bill Binkelman - Wind & Wire
"The beauty and effort put into this majestic piece is visible throughout each track​." ~ Art - a listener

"The reflective, impressionistic music invites an exploration of both the human condition and the vast wild landscapes of the mind"​.
~ Rovi - Allmusic
" Like nothing else I've ever heard, and one of my most treasured albums"​.
~ Kim Jones - Amazon.com
"Languid steel guitars, bluesy accordion and soulful woodwinds echo the call of the wild, while exotic percussion and minimalist strains remind us of our post-modern experience". ~ Chacra Alternative Music

​McLaughlin Planetarium
"Planetarium shows are a visual medium, I often felt that Tim and I were working on a film together. I came to rely on his understanding of what I was trying to achieve with words and pictures in my scripts and his ability to interpret the content and look and emotion properly. One of the facets of Tim's music I enjoyed, were the many cultural influences of his work. From Celtic to aboriginal North American to Middle Eastern - he combined them in ways that resulted in a sound that was original and anything but derivative."​
~ Chris Sasaki - Writer/Producer McLaughlin Planetarium, Toronto​
​"Tim is an exceptionally talented and versatile composer, with a sophisticated sensibility and an excellent and collaborative working style. He responded to our notes with creativity and flexibility and persisted in working each cue until both the director and I felt that it was absolutely right. Perfectionism is a necessary trait for excellence in filmmaking, and Tim is a perfectionist in all of the very best of ways".​ ~ Marlene Rodgers - Writer/Producer, Nightvision Films
"Tim composed a unique and unforgettable score for a film I produced entitled EXHUMING TYLER. This score has inspired journalists, directors and other producers to seek me out to discuss it since the premiere. It has been a classic case of a film ascending to another level because of its music. In addition to his wonderful score, Tim's hard work and unflagging openness toward both the director Merlin Dervisevic, and myself was appreciated throughout our time together".
~ Charlene Olsen - Producer/Ravin Films
"I have had the pleasure of working with composer Tim Clément during the creation of the dance/theatre projects "Les Ames Mortes" in 1996, and "L'Hiver" in 1997. As director, I was able then to appreciate his professionalism, his creative sensibility, and capacity of talent he brought to these productions". ~ Gilles Maheu, Artistic Director, Carbone 14, Montréal​